Bee Keepers (Amongst Others) Needed in South Asia
South Asia
Long-term / Short-term
Help rural villagers through a variety of community development endeavours, including teaching bee keeping to locals.
A team in South Asia seeks to minister to unreached villagers through various community development and business projects. The team currently run a tuition centre for children where they teach basic computer skills, and Spoken English and help with homework. They are eager to welcome people with other skills who might help start small agriculture-based businesses or teach basic business skills to rural people.
The team are particularly looking for people who can train adults in agriculture-based businesses, especially someone who is able to train villagers in bee keeping, which would provide an income and ward off wild elephants which pose problems to the villagers.
If you think you might be a good fit for this team, get in touch with our team to find out more.
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The missionary will need to raise funds to join this ministry.
Photo by Sandy Millar.